Saturday, February 6, 2010


What do you think of this beauty?

Ever since I was a kid...and I saw rich people driving in their fancy cars with hefty price tags...I had always dreamed of owning a car like this.

And, boy, does this car come with a hefty price tag! I mean, in all my life, I've own cars that, to me, were expensive...but NOT as expensive as this one!!! My car is a steel blue 2006 Bugatti Veyron and I got it for a mere pittance...just $1.5 million dollars! Some pittance! Because of its price tag, I keep this car under lock and key (actually, in my garage) and only use it for special occasions...i.e., banquets, celebrity functions---Oscar, Tony and Emmy awards, and all that sort of stuff.

Another thing about owning a car like this---if you ever get into an accident, you have to just wait for the parts to come in because they're hand-made in Alsace, France. So, when you're driving a Bugatti, you have to be on your toes every second you're behind the wheel. And, speaking about being behind the wheel...this was the only time I let my wife sit behind the wheel of the car. I mean...I trust her with my life---but not my Bugatti!

Now, you may ask---"What do you drive if you only keep this one around for special events?"
Well, I also have a $275,000 Lamborghini, which I drive just when I feel like showing off. But, the one car that I keep around for everyday use is my Lexus GS400, which I drive to the studios, theatres, the zoo (?), the bank (when I have to make a deposit or withdrawal), etc. I like the Lexus...primarily because, when I turned 16 and got my driver's license, it was the first car I ever got. And, ever since 1987, I trust the Lexus because it is built strong. After all, one Lexus that I owned saved my life.
When I was living in Indian Lake Estates in central Florida, I was on my way to make my yearly payment for my car in Winter Haven. I had the green light and was making a left turn onto Highway 60 (which runs east to west from Hobe Sound to Tampa) when this car coming from the east ran the red light doing about 85 m.p.h.
The car hit my right front fender, ripping the bumper clean off the car, tearing my battery in half, spinning my car around three or four times. My air bag blew out from my steering wheel and dashboard. But, I didn't hit the bag straight on. The pressure sort of pushed the left side of my face into the driver side window and I could only relieve the pressure by opening the door and getting out of the car. I walked about the scene, examining the damage that was done. I mean, I felt okay. Passers-by offered to call an ambulance to have me looked at, but I just shrugged them off. Why should I have EMTs look me over if I felt okay? After all...nothing was broken. And, except for a slight pain on the left side of my face, I looked normal.
Well, all that was about to change...because two nights later I awoke to find Jennifer screaming. I had trouble asking her what was wrong. She told me to look at myself in the mirror.
Boy, was I in for a shock!
As I stared at my reflection, I saw not my face...but like something out of "The Elephant Man"! For my entire left side of my face was swollen to three times its normal size. I ran to the telephone and called my father (at 2 in the morning!)

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